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On behalf of Ra Hoor Khuit We proclaim the official beginning of the Age of Aquarius today, December 21, 2020 represented by the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
An v6 Sol 0° Capricorn, Luna 1° Aries Dies Lunæ.
So mote it be!
Due to the acquisition of astronomical facts, and especially the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the day of the Solstice in Aquarius, it is symbolically founded to take this event - in the context of all global events - as the "correct" beginning of Aeon Aquarius.
Happy new year Vvi Aerae Novae, and bear in mind - There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt!
08 April 2018 e.v. Happy festivity to everyone!
...``A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.``...
For the seventieth anniversary of the death of Aleister Crowley 01. Dec. 2017. Hrumachis XI Oasis Belgrade has published a luxury edition of the Book of the Law (serbian-english).
The book can be ordered via: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or over the publishing house Babun: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Posted by DCLXVI
08. April, 2015. e.v. A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law! Thelema!
08. April, 2013. e.v. Hrumachis XI Oasis congratulates to all the people the Feast for three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
Best regards to all members of Hrumachis XI Oasis from London, UK.
01.01. 2013. E.V. Happy New Year and Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law! DCLXVI
11. Nov 2010. The famous John Dee`s collection is presented in section Archive. All manuscripts are property of British Museum and this is for personal and magical research only! DCLXVI
01. Nov 2010. The THOTH - very rare thelemic journal issued a long time ago now is presented in section Archive in electronic form (scan version) !
08. April 2010. E.V. - Hrumachis XI Oasis congratulates to all the people the Feast for three days of the writing of the Book of the Law. On this occassion Frater Parsifal have presented new multimedia DVD - ``777`` which you can order on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DVD 777 Aleister Crowley
... and another part of DVD collections from the same authors - Thoth Taroth multimedia DVD, issued two years ago now is alvailable again on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
01. January, 2010. E.V. - Hrumachis XI Oasis wishes all the people Happy New IVxvii Year of the Aeon of Horus or 2010. E.V.
08. April, 2009. e.v. Hrumachis XI Oasis congratulates to all the people the Feast for three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
01. January, 2009. E.V. - Hrumachis XI Oasis wishes all the people Happy New IVxvi Year of the Aeon of Horus or 2009. E.V.
25. October, 2008. e.v. On this occassion, we are posting new digital releases in PDF in section ``library``(Special issue``The Book of The Law``, The Holy Books of Thelema etc. ).
10. April, 2008. e.v. Hrumachis XI Oasis congratulates to all the people the Feast for three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
Soror Nu & Frater Parsifal have presented their multimedia DVD - "Book of the Law", on a festivity promotion in Hrumachis XI Oasis, which you can order on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

On this occasion also, Frater Saturnus presented his CD - "Holy Books of Thelema", done in a form of a presentation,
which you can order on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

9. April, 2008. - The website is, as you can see, redesigned. We shall try to make it more esthetic and comprehensive in the future, for the pleasure of our visitors. In accordance with the decision of Master DCLXVI, a new webmaster had been appointed for the purpose of following new trends and newest technologies in web design. We hope to associate with you on a higher level.
01. January, 2008. E.V. - Hrumachis XI Oasis wishes all the people Happy New IVxv Year of the Aeon of Horus or 2008. E.V.
And on this opportunity we are posting for all our visitors new PDF releases. Finally we have Aleister Crowley's "Magick" available, completely finalized with the color illustrations. Next is the essay "The Soldier and the Hunchback", and finally GOETIA, the complete and latest version also with the color illustrations. For all three releases the high-res printing is allowed according to the decision of the Oasis Master DCLXVI, so that all people have available these classics of the occult literature in PDF for their personal study and exploration.
Because the PDF lab of Hrumachis XI Oasis continues with work (thanks foremost to Frater Saturnus and Frater T.C.V. and the rest of you who are unselfishly giving your contribution), we are inviting all visitors to intermittently look at the "Library" section, as there will be new materials. We are preparing new editions which will have hi-res printing available as an option as well.
On all of the materials of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. holds an exclusive copyright!
P.S. In order to properly enjoy the quality of our releases download the latest version of Adobe Reader which is freeware (currently the latest version 8.1).
22th of September, 2007. E.V. - Brother Parsifal from our Oasis has, after tremendous work, completed his DVD which guides the student through Crowley's THOTH Tarot.
04-05. of August, 2007. E.V. - Initiations from Minerval trough III° held at Hrumachis XI Oasis temple in Belgrade. The initiator operating was Frater DCLXVI.
26th of June, 2007. E.V. - We're continuing with the practice of presenting valuable and completely new materials in the e-form to you, by which will be realized the decision of Master DCLXVI, to make available materials in the PDF form in Serbian language to the interested of the, above all, Aleister Crowley's opus. Vision and the Voice has been uploaded, the capital work of Crowley and the documented proof of his mission and his attainment.
Another e-book: The Origin of Satan whose author is an eminent historian of the early Christianity - Elaine Pagels - who demystifies Christian dogma and shows, in her own lucid and factious in-depth way, theological and psychological mechanisms which had been used for the satanisation of "others", since the beginning of the Christian movement till today.
Pre-arrangement: The Book of the Sacred Magic of the Abramelin the Mage - actually the only known and saved mid-age grimoar for the Attainment of the Knowledge and the Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. All others are only individualized forms.
Another book in pre-arrangement: Magick by Aleister Crowley - a handbook of this noble Art with no authority in the world literature.
Honoring to Fraters Saturnius and Libero, and all of you who accounted to the realization of these projects.
8th of April, 2007. E.V. - In the time of the great Feast for the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law, Hrumachis XI Oasis had organized a Thelemic meeting in Belgrade on which were present many potential candidates and many O.T.O. Initiates, the members of Hrumachis XI Oasis, together with the Master DCLXVI. For all further information please send your enquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
06th of January, 2007. E.V. - O YEZ, O YEZ, O YEZ!
By the Resolution 070106.02 of the O.T.O. Supreme Council, on the 6th of January 2007. E.V. Hrumachis XI Camp had been officially promoted to Oasis!
22nd of December, 2006. E.V. - For the Winter Solstice, Hrumachis XI Camp wishes a good Health and lots of Love to all visitors from Serbia and around the globe. We also added some more material on the website for everybody to study and read.
The 6th of November, 2006. E.V. - In the Large Hall of the Student Cultural Center, within the frame of the film series, a video projection of the Rock Opera - The Eleusis of Luna, based on the work written by Crowley, with the introductory lecture had been held. Cast & Creative Team from USA consists from Jon Sewell, Melissa Holm, etc.
12th of October, 2006. E.V. - Within the organization of SKC (Student Cultural Center), a lecture had been held regarding Crowley's literary work, with an accent on his mystical poetry. On this occasion was introduced, among others, his mystical poem AHA. The coincidence is that it had been on Crowley's birthday.
7th of September, 2006. E.V. - Hrumachis XI Camp website officially became accessible through the World Wide Web pages! Stay with us, as we will update it with fresh literature often. 93!
In March, 2006. - According to the decision of Camp’s Master, work on the Camp Website has been undertaken, and webmaster had been appointed to whom we give support in further work. Also, to all of you who have participated, and to all who would in future make this website be of more quality, we extend our gratitude.
Between the 17th of February and the 4th of March, 2006. - Initiations had been performed by the Hrumachis XI Camp Initiator. Master and Initiator of Sanctum Sanctorum Camp from Novi Sad also participated.
Guests: Camp Master from Vršac, Camp Master from Zrenjanin.
In November, 2005. -Hrumachis XI Camp visited Mirrach Lodge in Zagreb, on which occasion two candidates from the Camp went through the Initiation.